

Our Facilities

The Clarkson community utilizes a variety of state-of-the-art facilities to conduct impactful research in electronics, aerospace, biotechnology, health, 安全与保障, 机械系统, energy generation, 仓储制造技术与可持续发展.

Research Centers

esball国际平台客户端's Center for Advanced Materials Processing's (CAMP) supports companies interested in understanding and exploiting state-of-the-art, advanced, 量身定制的材料和工艺,以提高他们的产品, 解决制造挑战, increase yield, 降低成本,促进创新.

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C3S2的使命是鼓励和促进综合体领域的研究和教育机会, nonlinear, 动态和自适应系统. The C3S2 will foster collaboration from an interdisciplinary group of researchers to address important problems from a wide range of scientific, 技术和工程学科的进步技术和人类.

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CAARES汇集了世界一流的专业知识, 专注于空气和水的传感, sampling, 理化分析, fate and transport modeling and the application of computational fluid dynamics to air and water pollution problems.

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The 电力系统研究中心  explores advanced control and management algorithms for smart power systems to promote the sustainable development of communities.

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CITeR is the only 美国国家科学基金会 Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) focusing on serving its affiliates in the rapidly growing areas of identity science and biometric recognition through interdisciplinary group of faculty, researchers, and students.

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The 康复工程科学技术中心 educates, 指导和训练学生整合和应用综合科学, analytical, 新兴生物医学工程和生物医学科学领域的技术和商业方法.

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通过合作, hands-on process, the Shipley Center provides inventors and entrepreneurs with the resources and expertise needed to fully commercialize their products and launch successful new businesses.


esball国际平台客户端点燃促进学生之间的合作, faculty, staff, 校友和社区领袖鼓励批判性思维, 跨学科领域的动手学习和开放式问题解决.

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Campus Location: CAMP 228
Faculty: 迈克尔Bazzocchi
Description: The Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory explores advanced concepts and performs innovative and transformative research in science and engineering. ASTRO实验室培养高素质的研究人员和工程师, 开发新技术, 并为航天问题提供了新的解决方案, robotics, and society.

Campus Location: esball国际平台客户端科学中心250
Faculty: Erik Bollt
Description: 我们专注于应用动力系统, 特别是从数据集得知, 计算与实验. 这与数据科学有很大的重叠, big data, network science, 反问题方法(包括优化), 不确定性量化和贝叶斯观点, 信息理论, 机器学习和模型简化相关的问题. 我们对动力系统的兴趣, 数据分析和科学计算既包括专题发展也包括相应的科学应用. 这使我们能够与许多令人兴奋的领域的科学家和问题进行互动. Topical interests in dynamical systems and complex systems come through “data enabled science” that combines traditional applied mathematics and data analytics. 应用包括海洋学, physiology, 土木与机械工程, bio-informatics, social science, 数学生物学, 物理学和脑科学. 我们的发起人包括ARO, 海军研究办公室(ONR), 国防高级研究计划局(DARPA), 美国国家科学基金会, 美国国立卫生研究院, 美国国家航空航天局和能源部(DOE).

Campus Location: CAMP 275
Faculty: 梁春雷
Description: CHORUS实验室是一个计算太阳物理团队,其主要计算机设施位于CAMP 275. In the CHORUS lab,  fast and accurate computational codes were developed on unstructured grids for predicting convection and dynamo in stars and planets. PI是求解可压缩流动方程的高阶谱差分法的专家. esball国际app和本科生都被训练成为计算科学家和工程师. 此外,该团队正在构建一个用于预测太阳磁周期的降阶建模工具. 


Campus Location: CAMP 275
Faculty: 梁春雷
Description: CMH实验室是一个计算团队,其主要计算机设施位于CAMP 275. In the CMH lab, both Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) techniques are used on unstructured grids. PI是高阶谱差法和基于压力的有限体积法的专家. Both graduate and undergraduate students are trained to become computational engineers for marine hydrodynamics and wind turbine aerodynamics. 此外,该团队还优化了独木舟桨、船用螺旋桨和风力涡轮机的设计.

Campus Location: esball国际平台客户端科学中心176G
Faculty: Andreas Wilke
Description: 在进化和认知实验室, we examine how natural selection has shaped the cognitive mechanisms underlying human decision-making behavior during periods of risk and uncertainty. 我们研究这些机制在风险承担等领域是如何运作的, 择偶和觅食获取食物和信息.

Campus Location: 科学中心170A
Faculty: Dipankar Roy
Description: This research lab is equipped with a broad range of modern instruments and facilities for quantitative electroanalytical characterizations of a broad range of functional materials and devices based on these materials. Research conducted in the lab is focused primarily on novel materials for electrochemical energy storage/conversion and semiconductor device fabrication. 电化学表征技术经常与光学方法相结合, 如表面等离子体共振光谱, 以及基于camp的电子显微镜和x射线衍射分析设备. The Electroanalytical Characterization Lab provides comprehensive hands-on research opportunities to graduate and undergraduate students at esball国际平台客户端

Faculty: Lisa Legault
Description: In the Motivation & 情感实验室,我们研究动机如何影响社会认知、关系和行为. 我们会问这样的问题:“什么样的动机能促进他人的思想开放??以及“激励人们减少偏见的最佳方式是什么??". 我们研究这些问题与适应性自我调节, 比如对偏见和负面情绪的调节.

Campus Location: 技术进步中心103 & Schuler ERC 2012
Faculty: 伊丽莎白Pienkos
Description: 现象学实验室的成员探索精神障碍的主观体验, 以及更普遍的人类经验. 通过仔细检查体验自己是什么样子, 其他人和世界, 我们可以提高预测的能力, 预防和治疗精神疾病.

Campus Location: 科学中心262
Faculty: Michael Ramsdell 
Description: The 物理团队设计实验室 provides first-year STEM students with advanced group projects designed around a challenging real-world laboratory design experience. 大约有10%的学生被录取. Students usually work in groups of four throughout the semester to develop a model that can accurately predict the motion of a toy car traveling along an arbitrarily shaped track (Physics I) and the motion of an electric train powered by an arbitrary voltage source (Physics II). 在学期的最后一周, 在一系列的挑战环节中,小组竞相测试他们的模型的预测能力.

Campus Location: CAMP-CB2210
Faculty: Maria Gracheva
Description: This computational laboratory is equipped with several multicore workstations adapted for high performance computational work with the use of MPI (parallel computing) in a Linux environment. 我们用定制代码和商业软件开发物理计算模型. The research conducted on these workstations mostly deals with problems related to biotechnology and nanotechnology, 如利用纳米孔为基础的固态器件对生物分子进行识别和表征, 包括DNA测序和纳米颗粒的表征. 其他项目包括过滤, 生物分子和纳米颗粒的操作和分离. 在我们实验室工作的esball国际app和本科生学习现代超级计算机, gain access to national computational resources through our lab and work at the cutting edge of computational nanotechnology, 生物物理学和计算建模与仿真.

Campus Location: 波茨坦机场附近
Faculty: Michael Ramsdell
Description: esball国际平台客户端的雷诺兹天文台有两个望远镜. 这台12英寸的望远镜既用于明亮的恒星光谱,也用于窄视场成像. 较小的5英寸望远镜, 哪个的视野比满月略大, 用于宽视场成像. 精密的望远镜支架使观测深空物体所需的长时间曝光成为可能. Current projects include studying the time variability of various types of binary stars using both spectroscopy and photometry, 以及星云的光度学研究,以寻找由多环芳烃引起的辐射.

Faculty: Tom Langen,代理主席
Description: 在社会发展与健康心理学研究实验室, 我们研究社会痛苦如何对心理和身体健康产生负面影响, as well as how people determine when to offer help or express concern when they see someone experiencing health problems.

Faculty: Sean Banerjee and Natasha Banerjee 
Description: esball国际平台客户端的泰斯卡尔全传感研究工作室(TARS),由Dr. 肖恩·班纳吉和博士. Natasha Banerjee, 进行人类驱动的人工智能研究, 利用捕获和分析在线和现实世界环境中密集的多人互动. TARS的研究跨越了计算机视觉领域, linguistics, deep learning, robotics, computer graphics, 人机交互与软件工程. TARS获得了esball国际平台客户端的第一笔NSF CISE研究基础设施资助, 共计746美元,这笔钱被用来建造esball国际平台客户端的第一个无标记动作捕捉设备. 工作室的全部设计和建造都是由Dr. Sean Banerjee, Dr. Natasha Banerjee和学生Nikolas Lamb. 该工作室满负荷运转时将容纳240台高速摄像机, 16个多模态传感器, 16 microphones, 16 thermal sensors and a dense array of force plates for full-range understanding of multi-person human interactions. 工作室里还有多台3d打印机(包括直角和三角)。, 3-D scanners, 虚拟现实系统和单板计算机捕捉系统. At any given time, the studio supports the research of 30+ undergraduate students who have gone on to receive internships and full-time positions at GE, Google, Epic, Ensign-Bickford行业, AIS, 空军研究实验室, CACI国际, Kitware, SRC, Qualcomm, Veritas Prime, 和惠普(hewlett - packard). 学生们还在卡内基梅隆大学获得了reu(本科生研究经历), Lehigh, 达姆施塔特大学和坦普尔大学,并进入esball国际app院, such as Duke, 利哈伊大学和密歇根大学.

Campus Location: CAMP 275
Faculty: Goodarz Ahmadi
Description: TMFL是一个虚拟实验室,其主要计算机设施位于CAMP 275. The primary objective of the TMFL is to provide a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms that control turbulent multiphase flows, 包括运输费用, 微粒物质的沉积和去除. TMFL开发了稀和稠密湍流多相流行为的预测模型, 包括气溶胶和颗粒流. Another main goal is to provide a detailed understanding of the effect of particle shape and size on particle deposition and removal, 以及多相系统的动力学.

CTA Block